

Describe on this page what is special about your company and your campaign. Does the company have a unique business model or an unusual goal? Are you a non-profit organization or a new company that wants to reach a very specific target group? Write something about the company and deliver a teaser or two about your campaign.

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The challenge

You should avoid false reluctance on your website. Describe the obstacles and challenges you encountered in carrying out your project. Possibly were z. B. the budget or the time frame for the implementation is very limited. Exciting details make your process understandable for website visitors and increase the credibility of your company.

Our approach

After describing the challenge, tell us how you successfully mastered it. As you do this, refer to all of the issues mentioned in the previous section so that you remain credible to your prospects. Also name additional achievements. In this section, explain your approach and your motivations without going into too much depth.

Our successes

At this point, some self-praise is appropriate. Don't overdo it, but make it clear what you've achieved.

In this section follows some information about how the campaign started, the number of participants, and how many of your goals you achieved. You can also write something here about unexpected successes, for example if your profit expectations were exceeded or your campaign was more popular than expected. Avoid listing dates and figures. Enter these in the form below so that they can be presented in a meaningful way.
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